From left to right: Eric Maldoff, Chair of the board of directors, Old Brewery Mission, Matthew Pearce, President and CEO, Old Brewery Mission, Corinne Cadou, Director, Major Gifts and Major Fundraising Campaign, Old Brewery Mission Foundation, Michel Boucher, Chair of the board of directors, Old Brewery Mission Foundation, Louis Audet, President and CEO, Cogeco, and President of the Major Campaign
Thanks to the overwhelming generosity of donors, we have surpassed our ambitious fundraising goal of $26 million and raised $31.5 million to put an end to chronic homelessness. These results mark the close of the first stage of the 2014–2020 See the End of Homelessness Major Fundraising Campaign, which continues to target government sources and the general public.
“I firmly believe that we have a collective responsibility to ensure our city’s most vulnerable citizens don’t fall through the cracks. It is incumbent upon us as a society to put an end to homelessness. Bearing this in mind, I am happy to report that businesses and individuals alike have made extraordinary contributions towards eliminating chronic homelessness in Montreal,” said Louis Audet, President and CEO of Cogeco and Chair of the Campaign. He also emphasized the powerful impact of the campaign cabinet, which includes Stephen MacCulloch (Jones Collumbin Investment Counsel Inc.), L. Jacques Ménard (BMO Financial Group, Quebec), Andrew Molson (RES PUBLICA Consulting Group Inc.), John Rae (Power Corporation of Canada), Jean Raymond (CIBC, Wholesale Banking – Quebec), Michael Sabia (Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec) and Martin Thibodeau (RBC Royal Bank).
Eric Maldoff, Chair of the Old Brewery Mission’s Board of Directors, emphasized the vital role played by Mr. Audet, without whom this initiative would never have achieved such compelling results. “Mr. Audet is a man of conviction who has worked tirelessly to raise awareness of the Mission’s programs and the positive impact of investing as a society in breaking the cycle of chronic homelessness.”
Also, this historic campaign has amassed a record amount in donations, which speaks to the integrity and credibility of the Mission’s approach in the eyes of businesses, charitable foundations and the community. Funds raised will allow the Mission to drive forward innovative services and projects that result in social reintegration, increased access to housing, and physical and mental wellness for thousands of homeless individuals in Montreal.
“The continuous support of our donors not only results in life-changing programs and services for thousands of homeless women and men, but in restored dignity, stability and a chance to take their rightful place in society,” added Matthew Pearce, President and CEO of the Old Brewery Mission, who stressed that the social innovation embraced by the Mission has yielded tangible results. In fact, the Mission’s number of housing units now exceeds the number of shelter beds.
Despite these outstanding results, the Old Brewery Mission is still counting on the community to renew its generous support, as more than half of the Mission’s annual budget comes from private sources.