Photo: Agence QMI, Mario Beauregard
Homelessness in public spaces isn’t a choice. The homelessness we see in Montreal is a direct result of the housing crisis and inadequate resources. This was confirmed by a recent report from a task force on homelessness in public spaces and encampments.1 It concludes that urgent action is needed to support people who are sleeping in tents and makeshift shelters because they have no other options.
The situation is alarming. The number of people sleeping in public spaces is increasing steadily, creating serious health and safety issues. Dismantling encampments without providing transitional housing or rehousing only displaces the problem, exacerbating the vulnerability of the people who are forced to move. This counterproductive approach also claims municipal and police resources that could be put to better use.
Montreal needs to modernize its approach by looking to best practices that have worked elsewhere. Other Canadian cities have established clear and effective intervention protocols. When emergency shelters are full, authorities should tolerate encampments and provide psychological and social support—not dump trucks.
The task force’s report lays out a clear and actionable roadmap for dealing with encampments. The first step should be introducing a new regulatory framework, harmonized across all the boroughs, that allows encampments to remain for a limited time. Essential services such as hygiene facilities, storage, social services and appropriate healthcare would be delivered directly to the encampment. Finally, providing pathways out of encampments and into temporary accommodations or modular housing must be a priority.
At the same time, we must move faster to implement proven long-term solutions. We need to build more social housing and make it more accessible to people who don’t use emergency shelters. We need more community-based social housing and housing stability support teams to help keep people in their homes over the long term.
The report makes 15 recommendations. These solutions are supported by a broad consensus but implementing them will require strong, coordinated leadership from the municipal sector and the CIUSSS network, and sustained pressure on the other levels of government to allocate the necessary resources.
The time for analysis is over; the time for action is now.
Montreal can—and must—do better.
James Hughes
President and CEO